Thursday, June 9, 2016

Hiatus? You Don't Say! LLC #160

     I am literally the worst when it comes to commiting to something, like keeping a blog active. I know, I've missed well over 100 days when it came to my goal of completing the Lifestyle Lolita Challenge, but I've been busy while I was gone, I promise! Over Easter weekend, I attended a convention, I've been working my butt off, and last month, I got a chance to visit Portland! (I also sent my computer in to the shop because the back was broken beyond my abilities.) I spent some time with a friend of mine who used to live in the area, as well as some of the Portland lolitas! It's always a treat to get to meet gals from other communities, and I got a chance to wear one of my newly aquired dream dresses while I was at it, so I enjoyed myself quite a bit.
     In regards to the Lifestyle Lolita Challenge, I won't lie when I say it isn't exactly what I expected when I began it. I had thought the focus would be more on ones' wardrobe or coordinating styles, but some of them, I would say are quite a reach to even be related to lolita (Day #147: Accessorize one of your meals with an ambiance being an example.) So from now on, I may skip several of them, and focus on the challenges more directly related to the fashion. I did miss quite a few days I would have loved to do, so my plan is to hopefully create a few master posts that cover some of those as well!
     For now, I'm jumping back in with Day 160:
Share five facts about your lolita wardrobe.
I'm pretty content with my wardobe right now. It's taken me a long time to get it where it is, and it's not perfect, but I have most of my top-priority dresses, and that's pretty satisfying. It also made this challenge sound like a fun one! I'm hoping I don't sound too braggy, I'm just proud of it, haha.
Fact 1: My wardrobe is a hot mess
It's true that I have no theme, color scheme, or set style, but I have enough items that I can make at least one finished coordinate for every main piece I own, and that's good enough for me.
Fact 2: My wardrobe is worth over¥794,000
That's only my main pieces, at what they were worth when released. A lot of them I have gotten good deals on, so I haven't spent that much, but I was curious to find out what it would be! That does not include blouses, shoes, accessories, etc. With today's conversion rates, that's almost $7,500! Wow!
Fact 3: I use Pinterest to keep track of everything
Not even kidding, I forget what I own sometimes, haha. I still don't have everything on there.
Fact 4: I own more blouses/cardigans/tops than I do main pieces
My count for tops is currently at 51, while my JSKs OPs and Skirts add up to 48 right now. I'm currently in the process of downsizing those because some of the tops don't even get worn. I'm not sure where coats fall in those categories, but there are 10 of those.
Fact 5: My favorite themes are animals and food
At least according to my wardrobe, those are tied for "most common reoccuring theme", followed by flowers and sky stuff. 

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