Thursday, January 3, 2019

Wardrobe Challenge Day 3

Holy heck, I am on a roll. I'm back with the Lolita Wardrobe Challenge, and it's time to kick it off with Day 3!

Day 3: Your Dream Dress(es)

So pictured above are my three dream dresses, shown in the order that I acquired them in. Dream Sky, Cat's Tea Party , and Bunny-Chan Pockets.

Adorable buttons and more custom lace.

Cute little logo charms!

Again, the moon is my favorite part. I had this tattooed on myself a few years ago for my 10 year loli-versary!

Dream Sky in blue had been my first dream dress ever since it was released back in 2011. I originally owned the skirt which I found for a steal on Mbok, and a friend of mine later traded me for the JSK!

While it doesn't have custom lace, the rose pattern they picked pairs nicely with the dress.

This is my favorite kitty. I love how his little tongue sticks out.

So much sass.

This dang kitty dress had my heart the moment AP announced the pre-order. From the pure amount of sass that radiates off their faces, to the way they mysteriously are able to hold silverware despite the lack of thumbs. I scrapped my money together the instant they posted the orders on their old international website. Fun fact: Back in the day the conversion rate was awful and cost me well over $600 after shipping for this bad boy. That didn't stop me from ordering the grey during the recent re-release.

When AP releases a non-printed item, they definitely make up for it in details.

The folded ear and larger polka-dots apparently make this the 2008 release.

I need more scallops in my life.

My most recently gained dream dress is Bunny-Chan Pockets. While it originally was released before the others, my desperate want for it was fueled a couple years later during the age of the English Gothic & Lolita Bibles. I have run across a total of 3 listings for this thing among many years of searching, and finally won it a couple months ago. To my satisfaction the bunny pockets are actual functioning pockets, which brings the total of this piece to three and therefore out-pocketing any of my other pieces.

Have you sailed the seven seas in search for the sweet victory that one tastes from the acquisition of a dream dress, or are you desperately waiting for the day that a higher being blesses you with what can only be described as the comfort of a thousand angels resurrected into physical form? Let me know what you think!

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