Sunday, January 31, 2016

365 Lifestyle Lolita Challenge- Day 30

Day 30: Tidy your closet.

I've actually been in the process of doing this right now! For the last month, I've been digging through all of my things, lolita-related or not, and doing a complete overhaul of everything I own. So far, I have at least 8 bags of things to give away or donate. Of course, I'm not quite finished, but here's a glimpse of my closet at the moment, and this is after I've already cleared a lot out! 

Blouses and skirts are to the left, JSKs and OPs to the right.
Up top is wig heads, bags, and hats, and shoes are everywhere!
The hardest things for me to get rid of are my stuffed animals, and my lolita things, and since I'm too torn on what frills to part with, I decided I needed to get rid of some stuffed animals at least! While it was really tough, I'm proud of myself for making these decisions, and de-cluttering my life a little bit. I'll likely donate anything that isn't lolita or BJDs to a local shelter after my friends have a look through them!

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